Driving results with Artificial Intelligence

We are Involves. Experts in trade marketing and data intelligence. With our technologies, consumer goods companies are revolutionizing their execution strategies and presence in thousands of outlets, spread across Brazil and around the world.

Over 900 brands around the world trust Involves’ technology and intelligence to transform Trade Marketing and drive their growth strategies.

Moça fotografando prateleira de produtos em um supermercado


Perfect execution is what moves us forward

We have 15 years of experience in the market, and our purpose is to digitize the promotion cycle, leveraging the relationship between industry and retail and fostering a culture of in-store execution driven by data, collaboration, and trust.


Our guiding principle is the harmony between people and technology

There are many of us. We are hundreds of people are actively involved in more than 15 areas to take our solutions and technologies to the next level and meet the needs of our clients.

We are diverse. We believe that everyone is unique, and differences among people are a source of innovation, inclusion, and democratization of technology.

At Involves, we are committed. Our work is based on synergy and collaboration to provide the best results for our customers.

Our values are at the heart of our actions and we follow them to achieve our purpose:

Mulher de cabelos cacheados com blusa da involves com estampa
Foto com todos os colaboradores Involves em um palco comemorando com as mãos levantadas


Our history

With operations in Brazil and Mexico, Involves was born from our founders’ entrepreneurial dreams in 2009. After four years, we discovered Retail Execution and made our debut with Involves Stage. In 2019, we received our first foreign investment and today we are already present in 24 countries, connecting more than 90 thousand users of our products.


Certified culture

Our relationship and care for our people have brought us awards that encourage us to maintain an authentic culture

Great Place to Work prêmio


1st place

 best company to work for in Brazil

Great Place to Work prêmio - Melhores empresas para Trabalhar - categoria Tecnologia da informação



among the best companies to work for in Brazil

Great Place to Work prêmio - Em Santa Catarina


1st place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


2nd place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


9th place

among all technology companies in Brazil


2nd place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


12th place

among all technology companies in Brazil


1st place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


5th place

among all technology companies in Brazil


1st place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


8th place

among all technology companies in Brazil


1st place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


3rd place

among all technology companies in Brazil


1st place

among all companies in Santa Catarina state


1st place

among all technology companies in Brazil


Our Leadership

Andre Krummenauer

Andre Krummenauer

Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer

Endeavor Entrepreneur, and member of the advisory board of the Catarinense Technology Association (ACATE).

Laryssa D'Alama

Laryssa D'Alama

Chief Operating Officer

Leads the Customer Experience, Data Intelligence, and Operations teams.

Thuany Schutz

Thuany Schutz

Chief People Experience Officer

Leads the Personnel, Recruitment & Selection, Compensation & Performance, Internal Communication, and Climate and Culture teams

Gabriel Menezes

Gabriel Menezes

Co-founder & Chief Research and Development Officer

Leads the Research and Development, and Business Intelligence teams.

Guilherme Coan

Guilherme Coan

Co-founder & Chief Revenue Officer

Leads the Presales and Sales, Marketing, and Brand Design teams.

Leonardo Coelho

Leonardo Coelho

Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer

Leads Involves’ Product, Product Design, Image Recognition, and Data Quality teams.

Pedro Galoppini

Pedro Galoppini

Co-founder & Chief Product Officer

Leads Involves’ Product, Data Science, Image Recognition, and Data Quality teams.

Guilherme Moraes - Head of Finance

Guilherme Moraes

 Head of Finance

Leads the Administrative, Financial, FP&A, and IT teams.


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Involves Stage

Veja como otimizar o trabalho das equipes de campo e de back office

Soluções e serviços do Involves Stage

Conheça nossa metodologia de execução com foco em sell-out

Mensure os indicadores de execução com precisão e acesse a pontuação de cada loja em tempo real

Transforme fotos dos seus produtos na gôndola em dados precisos

Roteiros mais eficientes e com menor custo focados em trade marketing trazendo mais dados para a operação

Acompanhe a performance do time de campo com BI, a partir do cruzamento de dados de produtividade e execução

Outras soluções

Descubra como a parceria entre Involves e Sellers pode impulsionar as ações do seu time de vendas

Seja uma agência parceira da Involves e potencialize os resultados dos seus clientes

Veja como otimizar o trabalho da sua equipe de Trade Marketing para garantir a eficiência e a qualidade das estratégias

Potencialize a relação com seus clientes finais e impulsione os resultados da sua agência de Trade Marketing

Conheça nosso portal de conhecimento, tire suas dúvidas técnicas sobre as soluções e receba atendimento personalizado de nossa equipe de suporte

Seja expert em Trade Marketing! Acompanhe as últimas tendências e histórias de sucesso inspiradoras em nosso portal de conteúdo

Mindset orientado para dados: a revolução da Bombril com o uso do Involves Stage

Mentalidade inovadora: como o uso do Involves Stage alavancou a operação da agência POP Trade

Impulsione seus resultados no ponto de venda com a Involves!

Preencha os campos abaixo para conversar com a gente.

Precisa do suporte de nossa equipe? Acesse a Central de ajuda:

Quer fazer parte da nossa equipe? Acesse o portal de vagas na gupy:

Involves Stage

Optimize the work of field and back office teams

Involves Stage solutions and services

Fostering a sell-out culture and a data-driven trade marketing operation.

Measure execution indicators accurately and access real-time scores for each store

More efficient and cost-effective routes focused on trade marketing, bringing more data to the operation

Transform photos of your products on the shelf into accurate data

Learn how to optimize the work of your Trade Marketing team to ensure efficient and high-quality strategies.

Leverage the relationship with your end customers and boost the results of your Trade Marketing agency.

Visit our knowledge portal, ask your technical questions about our solutions, and receive personalized service from our support team.

Data-driven mindset: the revolution of Bombril with the use of Involves Stage

Innovative mindset: how the use of Involves Stage boosted the operation of POP Trade agency

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