Strategic decisions and efficient data analysis with Involves' BI

Track trade marketing KPIs with custom dashboards for POS segmentation. Make a Business Intelligence analysis using productivity data combined with performance data provided by Involves Stage.

data analytics - BI da Involves

Data Intelligence

With Involves Stage’s trade marketing indicators, large companies increased their route compliance rate by 11%, redefined their visits, and expanded their store presence by 40%. All of this within the first few months of the contract.

Trade Marketing Analytics

Combine analytics and alerts to track trade marketing ROI. Data Analytics indicators are developed and presented in custom dashboards. Our team helps you define what should be analyzed and monitored.

Centralize and automate out-of-stocks analysis

Track out-of-stocks by category, brand, region, channel, and point of sale. Identify your most relevant and priority channels. Observe the out-of-stocks map and visually identify the regions that need intervention. Avoid losses and increase sales by fixing problems before they affect your trade marketing results.

Make in-depth analyses of your Perfect Store

Manage your sales channels better and track the goals of each category and segment. Track the presence of POP displays and increase the visibility of your products, targeting the best mix for each channel.

Increase the coverage of visits

Easily find out which stores are not being visited and closely monitor team productivity, assessing in-store time and number of visits per route. Obtain proof of failed visits by auditing them with a GPS system.

Track your share of shelf (SoS) in detail

Follow up the SoS progress of your products and competitors in various instances of SKU-level segmentation. Analyze your share of shelf by product or store and figure out the proportion of each channel or region in your plan.

Why use BI in trade marketing?

BI do trade Marketing - Data Analytics

Analyze stockouts by channel and identify which ones are a priority

Identify route planning and productivity issues.

Reduce operational costs.

Track performance across networks, regions, products, and points of sale (POS).

Make data-driven decisions and test hypotheses.

Minimize risks and respond quickly to inquiries.

Maximize your results with a comprehensive analysis

We show you how to enhance trade marketing management with the following indicators:

Team productivity




Shelf share

Extra displays

POS (Points of Sale)



Competitor promotions

Competitor pricing

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Involves Stage

Veja como otimizar o trabalho das equipes de campo e de back office

Soluções e serviços do Involves Stage

Conheça nossa metodologia de execução com foco em sell-out

Mensure os indicadores de execução com precisão e acesse a pontuação de cada loja em tempo real

Transforme fotos dos seus produtos na gôndola em dados precisos

Roteiros mais eficientes e com menor custo focados em trade marketing trazendo mais dados para a operação

Acompanhe a performance do time de campo com BI, a partir do cruzamento de dados de produtividade e execução

Outras soluções

Descubra como a parceria entre Involves e Sellers pode impulsionar as ações do seu time de vendas

Seja uma agência parceira da Involves e potencialize os resultados dos seus clientes

Veja como otimizar o trabalho da sua equipe de Trade Marketing para garantir a eficiência e a qualidade das estratégias

Potencialize a relação com seus clientes finais e impulsione os resultados da sua agência de Trade Marketing

Conheça nosso portal de conhecimento, tire suas dúvidas técnicas sobre as soluções e receba atendimento personalizado de nossa equipe de suporte

Seja expert em Trade Marketing! Acompanhe as últimas tendências e histórias de sucesso inspiradoras em nosso portal de conteúdo

Mindset orientado para dados: a revolução da Bombril com o uso do Involves Stage

Mentalidade inovadora: como o uso do Involves Stage alavancou a operação da agência POP Trade

Involves Stage

Optimize the work of field and back office teams

Involves Stage solutions and services

Fostering a sell-out culture and a data-driven trade marketing operation.

Measure execution indicators accurately and access real-time scores for each store

More efficient and cost-effective routes focused on trade marketing, bringing more data to the operation

Transform photos of your products on the shelf into accurate data

Learn how to optimize the work of your Trade Marketing team to ensure efficient and high-quality strategies.

Leverage the relationship with your end customers and boost the results of your Trade Marketing agency.

Visit our knowledge portal, ask your technical questions about our solutions, and receive personalized service from our support team.

Data-driven mindset: the revolution of Bombril with the use of Involves Stage

Innovative mindset: how the use of Involves Stage boosted the operation of POP Trade agency

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