Strengthen the connection with your customers and boost your agency’s results

Leverage your customers’ Trade Marketing with Involves, your new business partner!

composição - duas mãos encaixam peças de quebra-cabeça

More clients and better results with a complete solution for execution, management, and intelligence in Trade Marketing


How Trade Marketing agencies achieve results with our products and services

Perfect Store

Real-time access to scores and result-oriented field teams.

Image recognition

Higher volume of collected data and higher accuracy of information with Artificial Intelligence, with increased in-store productivity.

Intelligent Route Planning

Less effort to plan routes for multiple teams in different regions and to reduce the cost and time of travel for field reps.


Benefits of being a partner agency of Involves

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Structure to support your business

Team and support dynamics dedicated exclusively to the development of new projects and successful delivery for the expansion and retention of your current projects

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Exclusive benefits package that help to increase the visibility and demand generation of your agency, as well as share the strategic vision of Involves.

ícone de pessoa lendo livro


Training content and constant update of our solutions, processes, sales, and what is most essential to the success of your journey with us.

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Relationship of trust

Transparency and integrity for management of opportunities through a relationship of trust.

Choose a complete tool
Proof of ROI for the actions performed
Perfect Store
In-depth competitive analysis and expansion of market share
Image recognition
Reduction of operating costs, and time and cost of travel
Intelligent Route Planning
Accurate, real-time data for the entire company
Data Integration
Maturity of pricing and management strategies by category
Data Analytics
Evolution of the clustering strategy of points of sale
POS management
Mass audit of data in different regions
Collection management
Direct and indirect channel data centralization.
Channel management
Support for Trade Marketing operations at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels.
Advisory service
Management of supervisors, field reps, tasters, and auditors.
Unified database
Increased area efficiency, from back office to field.
Automated tasks
Management of field teams in line with the brand strategy
Team Productivity KPI
Monitoring of critical situations and immediate action
Real-time alerts
Management of goals and objectives of sell-out actions
Visit KPIs
Effective communication with field teams and task monitoring
Chat, Library, and Monitoring

Involves is a strategic partner that maximizes the results of agencies in Brazil and worldwide.

Get to know the brands that are revolutionizing their Trade Marketing with Involves solutions.

Involves antecipa as tendências de IA e automação para 2025 no trade marketing

Involves, the SaaS for trade marketing, raises funds and acquires Chilean startup

With the acquisition of Datamind, the presence in Latin America grows, and trade marketing solutions become even stronger.
LOGO Mundo do marketing

Involves anticipates AI and automation trends for 2025 in trade marketing

See the innovations that will transform inventory management, product recognition and field audits.
Acontecendo aqui logo

Involves Presents 5 Trade Marketing Trends for 2025

Get ready for the future with the insights set to redefine trade marketing.

900+ brands around the world rely on Involves’ technology and intelligence

Boost your results at the point of sale with Involves!

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Involves Stage

Veja como otimizar o trabalho das equipes de campo e de back office

Soluções e serviços do Involves Stage

Conheça nossa metodologia de execução com foco em sell-out

Mensure os indicadores de execução com precisão e acesse a pontuação de cada loja em tempo real

Transforme fotos dos seus produtos na gôndola em dados precisos

Roteiros mais eficientes e com menor custo focados em trade marketing trazendo mais dados para a operação

Acompanhe a performance do time de campo com BI, a partir do cruzamento de dados de produtividade e execução

Outras soluções

Descubra como a parceria entre Involves e Sellers pode impulsionar as ações do seu time de vendas

Seja uma agência parceira da Involves e potencialize os resultados dos seus clientes

Veja como otimizar o trabalho da sua equipe de Trade Marketing para garantir a eficiência e a qualidade das estratégias

Potencialize a relação com seus clientes finais e impulsione os resultados da sua agência de Trade Marketing

Conheça nosso portal de conhecimento, tire suas dúvidas técnicas sobre as soluções e receba atendimento personalizado de nossa equipe de suporte

Seja expert em Trade Marketing! Acompanhe as últimas tendências e histórias de sucesso inspiradoras em nosso portal de conteúdo

Mindset orientado para dados: a revolução da Bombril com o uso do Involves Stage

Mentalidade inovadora: como o uso do Involves Stage alavancou a operação da agência POP Trade

Impulsione seus resultados no ponto de venda com a Involves!

Preencha os campos abaixo para conversar com a gente.

Precisa do suporte de nossa equipe? Acesse a Central de ajuda:

Quer fazer parte da nossa equipe? Acesse o portal de vagas na gupy:

Involves Stage

Optimize the work of field and back office teams

Involves Stage solutions and services

Fostering a sell-out culture and a data-driven trade marketing operation.

Measure execution indicators accurately and access real-time scores for each store

More efficient and cost-effective routes focused on trade marketing, bringing more data to the operation

Transform photos of your products on the shelf into accurate data

Learn how to optimize the work of your Trade Marketing team to ensure efficient and high-quality strategies.

Leverage the relationship with your end customers and boost the results of your Trade Marketing agency.

Visit our knowledge portal, ask your technical questions about our solutions, and receive personalized service from our support team.

Data-driven mindset: the revolution of Bombril with the use of Involves Stage

Innovative mindset: how the use of Involves Stage boosted the operation of POP Trade agency

Newsletter Involves

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Quer fazer parte da nossa equipe? Acesse o portal de vagas na gupy: