Perfect executions drive more sales

With Involves Stage's Perfect Store Program, you can measure key performance indicators accurately and see your store's score in real time.

perfect store involves stage

How does the Perfect Store work?

Perfect Store


Develop a strategy based on pillars and goals. Price, availability, share of shelf, and additional displays.

Perfect Store How Work

Scoring rules

Define an appropriate score for your strategy. Identify any points of sale that do not comply with the rules and ideals of execution.

Score tracking

Visualize what you can improve at each POS. Make sure you know exactly where and when to intervene.

The 4 Pillars of a Perfect Execution


Ensure that the price is correct, that it complies with the channel's pricing strategy, and that it’s visible to the customer and aligned with any promotions.


Identify if your product assortment is available in every channel.

Share of Shelf

Identify if your product assortment is available in each channel.

Additional Display

Consider more visibility points and track the availability of additional spaces.

Keep every POS under control

Get rid of complex metrics and misleading reports that result in wrong decisions. Track your pricing, availability, share of shelf, and additional display strategies in each store, understand the best channel and category management, and track the goals of each segment.

With Involves Stage’s Perfect Store program, you can set individualized goals for each POS and KPI, and assign individual scores based on their strategic relevance.

The App displays the score of each store, enabling the team to verify if specific goals have been achieved. The team will have visibility into what has not been well executed and needs to be corrected, as well as what is having a good performance and generating more sell-out.

The information is also delivered to those who are empowered to improve execution: the team in the field. The App guides the work of the field reps and shows them the failures during the visit so that they can be solved in real time. 

Why is the execution important?


of shoppers think the most important aspect in a store is a well-organized layout of products (ABIESV)


of sales are the responsibility of retail execution (15% of POS actions + 60% of base sales) (GFK)


increase in product availability on the shelves and displays represents a 1% increase in sales (SymphonyIRIGroup).

A 3% growth in product assortment in 3 months and 37% increase in stores within Mondelēz program standards. "We didn't have the accuracy, information security, and time optimization that we have today with Involves Stage," says Klécya Silva, retail execution supervisor at Cardeal Distribuidora.

Routes compliance hit the 97% mark. It practically evolved 60 percentage points compared to the previous scenario. "Several departments that are integrated to the Perfect Store Program review the reports and take the appropriate measures in a faster and more practical way", explains Rafael Ruocco, Strategy and Merchandising coordinator.

The number of audited stores increased by more than 500%. POS with good or excellent standards increased from 8% to 20%. "There is a Univale merchandising before Involves and after Involves. We achieved the mark of professionalizing an entire department with a single system," says Priscila Fonseca, director of Univale Distribuidora.

What customers are saying about Involves Stage

“The earliest observable result following the implementation of the Perfect Store by the Involves Stage solution was a 37% increase in the number of stores that adhere to Mondelēz’s program. Stores that wouldn’t meet any of the company’s criteria showed improvement in under 3 months. We can now act faster in order to more promptly turn things around.”

Roberto Queiroz Filho

Sales Supervisor at Cardeal Distribuidora

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